광전자 산업의 원스톱 솔루션 전문가

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광전자 포드/

GD140 포드 – 비냉각식 이중 조명 광전 포드


  • The miniature airborne pod integrates a high-definition visible light camera and an uncooled infrared thermal imager, with day and night uninterrupted surveillance capabilities.
  • Capable of gyro image stabilization function.
  • Capable of monitoring, detecting, identifying and tracking ground or low-altitude targets.
  • Capable of artificial intelligence target recognition.




  • 크기: Φ140mm
  • Weight: 1.8kg
  • Detection: person: 1.5킬로미터, 차량: 2.5킬로미터
  • Recognition: person 1km, 차량: 2킬로미터
  • Recognition Time: 200ms